Explore the Sacred Landscapes of your Body
and Unearth the Wisdom of your Soul
with this transformational Somatic Bodywork
Somatic information is layered in our bodies
the same way geologic information is layered in the Earth.
How elements interact on Earth
is the same way they interact within your body.
The body is your guide, teacher, and protector,
Illuminating the way Home to your Center.
Embody sessions support you to
Root down into the Ground of your Being.
I will Guide you
on a Healing Journey
through the
Wilderness of your Soul
Embody Sessions are Infused with a Variety of Modalities
+ Somatic Archaeology +
You will be guided on a Somatic descent into your body
so that you can come Home,
into the Earth of your Body and the Roots of your Soul.
+ Transformational Somatic Bodywork +
Myofascial Release
Structural Integration
Traditional Hawaiian Lāʻau Lapaʻau LomiLomi
+ Nature Based Therapies +
Ecotherapy Principles
Nature-Based Practices for Trauma Resolution
Q’ero Traditional Paqo Healing
+ The Medicine of Love +
Heartmath Techniques to Reestablish your Hearts Coherence
Neurodharma of Love Practices to Deepen you into your Heart’s Intuitive Guidance.
This brings your Mind, Body, and Emotions into Alignment and Balance.
Embody Sessions
+ Are Tailored to You +
+ Provide a Trauma-Sensitive Space +
+ Can be Indoors or Outside +
+ Offered Via +
Zoom Video with Recording
In Person: Crestone, CO
+ Session Exchange +
Accessible pricing is our Heart Centered Offering.
Sessions are Donation Based.
My teacher, Don Humberto Soncco Quispe, a High Priest of the Q’eros of the Andes Mountains of Peru, said to me,
“The fundamental part of health and healing is that the person has to be connected to Pachamama (Mother Earth).
They have to have reciprocity with nature. If something is out of balance in our body,
then something is out of balance with us and our connection to Nature.
Healing is connection with Pachamama. Healing doesn’t exist without it.”
His words are what inspired me to offer Soul Medicine Sessions.
It is my passion to learn from Indigenous Medicine Traditions of the World.
I believe they hold the healing seeds to awaken the global community to live in
balance with our spiritual nature and in right relationship with the whole of Creation.
I have had the blessing to learn from medicine people of several different lineages.
I offer them infinite gratitude, as they are the ones who taught me to lead with love,
and offered the greatest education in the realm of spiritual healing.
For each Embody Session purchased a donation will be made to the International Q’eros Foundation
to support their goal to bring life sustaining relief to the Q’eros, while seeding longevity into the future.
The vision and purpose of the International Q’ero Foundation is to sustain the Andean Cosmovision, the Indigenous identity,
and the culture of the Q’eros Indigenous Peoples, for the next Seven Generations.
The Foundation will use this donation to support a variety of projects in the Andes including the support of clean water,
solar electricity, short wave radio communication, and education.
Photo of my beloved teachers, Don Humberto Soncco Quispe, and his wife Dona Bernadina Soncco Quispe,
High Priests of the Q’eros of the Andes Mountains of Peru.
You can Donate to the International Q’ero Foundation HERE
© 2018 Lisa Love