Your Womb Blood is the Medicine of Life
Temple of the Moon is your personal Red Tent and Bleeding Sanctuary
Ancient cultures honored a woman’s bleeding time.
The blood of the womb is believed to have spiritual energy,
and contain healing power.
A woman was seen to be at the height of her spiritual power,
and was supported to go within to receive guidance coming through her womb.
Enter the Temple and Be Nourished by the Beauty of your Bleeding
You will receive guided Womb Journeys that are harmonized with
the releasing and regenerating process your womb is flowing through.
You will be attuned with the spiritual energy of your moon cycle.
You will cultivate connection with your Womb as a source of Wisdom.
You will Heal shame around bleeding.
You will Embody your Feminine Potency.
You carry an Altar of Life within your Womb
It’s time to Blossom and receive the Beauty of your Feminine Medicine
Temple of the Moon is my Gift to you.
May it’s free offering bring Life to all Wombs of the World.
You will Receive:
* 4 Meditative Womb Journeys that guide you into your womb to experience the wisdom living within.
* 4 Audio Transmissions & Teachings
* Video: How to Offer your Moon Blood to Earth with Prayer and Ceremony
You will Experience:
* Connection with your Womb as your source of Wisdom
* Healing shame around Bleeding
* How Moontime is your Feminine Medicine
© 2018 Lisa Love