Lisa Love is a Master Level Spiritual Life Coach,
Energy Medicine Practitioner, Trauma-Sensitive Somatic Therapist,
Traditional Indigenous Healer, who specializes in Feminine Energy.
Harmonizing with Air purifies your energetic system and connects your breath with your spirit. In this guided meditation video you will go on a journey into the realm of the spiritual heart and the spiritual energies that surround you.
Harmonizing with Water cleanses you on an emotional level. In this guided meditation video you will be supported to flow fluidly with the changing tides of your emotions.
Mother Earth is a master teacher of how to remain solid and steady within the core root of your Being.This guided meditation video will develop your center of gravity and fully root you into your life so that nothing can push you off of your axis.
In this final video of the Conscious Conversation Series, we examine the different parts of the human psyche and energy system that are either masculine in nature or feminine in nature. You will gain an understanding of how to bring energetic balance to yourself and which types of spiritual practice are best for you.
This next video in the Conscious Conversations Series is filled with quality information, techniques and a guided meditation to help you truly forgive yourself and others.
In this second video of the Conscious Conversations Series, you will embark upon a journey of understanding how to lead your own process of transformational self-discovery.
In this video you will join two spiritual teachers as they share their perspectives about true healing and personal transformation. Learn what they have discovered and how it can support your own healing and transformation.
In this healing meditation video you will journey into your womb to release any unsettled emotions. You will arrive in a place of peaceful tranquility and awaken to the sacredness of your moontime.
In this meditation video you will be guided through the gateway of your breath into the peaceful transcendence of your Soul.
In this video Lisa Love is interviewed by Stephanie Briggs about healing the energetic womb. Lisa offers simple practices that cultivate connection with your energetic womb, in order to restore peace and harmony within.