13th Munay Ki

The 13th Rite of the Womb, also known as, 13th Munay Ki,
is an energetic transmission to heal and bless your womb.
The 13th Rite of the Womb came from the female shaman
of the Shipibo Nation within the jungles of the Amazon.
It is intended to reconnect you with the sacred feminine principle of your womb.
It contains the power to energetically cleanse any imbalances or traumas
held within the womb.
The 13th Rite is connected to the 13 moons and is an energetic seed
that is planted within your luminous energy field.
Lisa has been initiated as a Womb Keeper of the
13th Rite of the Womb since 2013.

The 13th Rite of the Womb is an Initiation
The 13th Rite of the Womb is an Elixir of Life.
It is an Initiation to be shared with all Women as a Blessing for all Peoples.
This is an Initiation to a lineage of Women who freed themselves of suffering.
These Women want us to remember that we did not come to this life to suffer.
We came to be Creatresses.
To co-create the world that we long for.
For our children and for our children’s, children.

Receive the 13th Rite of the Womb
+ Offered Via +
Zoom Video with Recording
In Person: Crestone, CO
+ Session Exchange +
Accessible pricing is our Heart Centered Offering.
Sessions are Donation Based.

Release ~ Restore ~ Rebirth
The Womb is a sacred center of consciousness that receives and holds energy and information.
The womb can be holding repressed emotions that you have been unable to acknowledge and release. It can also hold other people’s energy.
This can come from past sexual partners, children, friends, or the ancestral wounds from your lineage.
The womb can also store birthing trauma, grief from abortions, miscarriages or sexual wounding.
It’s vital to your womb wellness and your overall feminine nature that you release, clear, and cleanse all of these heavy emotions out of your womb.
When your womb is clear, you can then reclaim this space as your own and activate your Sacred Temple within.
The Womb is the gateway of all feminine mysteries and the place where your divine nature as multi-dimensional creatrix is made manifest.
The 13th Rite of the Womb is a healing rite and transmission of energy to restore your womb to her innate, sacred wholeness.
This rite connects you to a lineage of women who are free of suffering,
alive with creative life force energy, and awake to the wisdom of their wombs.
You can receive the 13th Rite at any age, while pregnant,
or if your no longer have your female organs.
The 13th Rite can also be received by men in order to develop connection with their inner feminine and bring healing to their womb-hara.

© 2020 Lisa Love