Conscious Conversations with Lisa and Lincoln
03: How to Truly Forgive
This next video in the Conscious Conversations Series is filled with quality information, techniques and a guided meditation to help you truly forgive yourself and others.
Lisa and Lincoln share what they have learned in their 20+ years on the spiritual path as students, teachers and healing guides for others.
You Will:
* Learn the 2 approaches to forgiveness and in what situations to use each approach.
* Learn how to work with particularly strong and difficult, stubborn emotions.
* Discover the emotional “autopilot” system and how to use it correctly.
* Receive a guided meditation helping you to create true forgiveness, emotional healing and self-empowerment.
We both sincerely desire that these Conscious Conversation videos supply you with the understanding and support that you need
so that you may create the changes you desire in your lives.
May we all together awaken into our authentic selves and know the Love that we all share as sacred creations of the Divine.
* * * About Lincoln of Channel Higher Self and Higher Self Teachings * * *
Since 2007, Lincoln has served as a channeling medium for the Higher Self Consciousness. With over 2,000 video teachings on YouTube, Lincoln has supported humanity’s awakening with messages of love, empowerment, truth and enlightenment. The Higher Self teachings dive into the heart of spirituality, cutting through the layers of confusion and illusion so common in today’s world. Lincoln’s teachings are as much an energetic tool for healing as they are knowledge for awakening.
Embrace the Higher Self that you are by connecting into your heart and becoming a channel for the love and wisdom with you.
Video Teachings & Personal Sessions: https://channelhigherself.com/
Books, CDs, Videos & Workshops: https://www.higherselfteachings.com/
YouTube: http://youtube.com/channelhigherself