It takes courage to embrace and love your shadow. The shadow is simply a wounded part of yourself that is seeking to get your attention, as it is in need of your unconditional love. Offer all that lives within your shadow to the fire of transmutation and trust that it is all alchemized into love. This generates the energy for you to liberate yourself and turn toward self understanding and unconditional forgiveness. Self forgiveness is the compassionate doorway home. It leads to unconditional love for self, for other, and for the well being of the whole of creation.
Shadow and light are harmoniously synergistic and integral to the experience of life. The warm daylight of the sun, is as necessary as, the cool, iridescent brilliance of the stars laced within the velvet black of night. Day to night, bright full moon to dark moon, hide tide to low, it’s the never ending cycles and spirals of life that you are intricately woven into. Deep earth below and deep heavenly space above both hold the same spiritual depths. They contain the mysterious dark and unknown, the void and ultimately lead to the sacred.
The dark and the shadow have been linked to fear, but there is nothing to fear here. “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” Trust that the darkness is the gate keeper of the light. The night sky is holding safely within its dark depths, the bright light of the stars. At the core of the dark, depths of the earth, we find an inner core that contains light elements. This tells us that even in the darkest, hardest parts of our lives, there is always light present and here for us. Nature shows us what is real. We are never without light.
Taking a deep dive into the true nature of the Soul requires a descent. The intention to connect to the light of our Soul takes us first through the land of our shadow. We journey through this realm to gather up our fragmented, wounded pieces and carry them forth as we merge into the loving light of our Soul. We love them back into wholeness. By journeying with this awareness you become a fully integrated being. Be willing to explore both the shadow and light sides of the spectrum of yourself. Offer both sides equal amounts of your curiosity and wonder.